Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What are the Diving Board Rules?

Everybody gets excited when they get to jump off the diving board but there are some rules to help keep everyone safe. Review these rules with your child to help keep them and everyone else safe while having a great time!

Diving Board Rules
  1. One person on the diving board at a time
  2. Do not climb up the ladder to the diving board until the person before you jumped off.
  3. Do not jump backwards off the board.
  4. Wait for the person in front of you to be at the side of the pool before jumping.
  5. Do not jump off the diving board with any kind of floats (arm floaties, noodles, pool floats, etc.)
  6. Only one bounce on the diving board. No jumping up and down several times.
  7. Right after jumping off the diving board swim to the side of the pool right away.
  8. Jump straight off the front of the diving board; do not jump off the sides.
  9. WALK when going to the diving boards.

Be safe this summer and have a blast jumping off the boards!

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